How to Win a Darwin Award: Float a Live Surge Protector in a Pool on a Couple of Jandels

11 01 2008

deathwish.JPGI have no context for this photo, but it’s one of the most ludicrous things I’ve ever seen. Seriously, how did these idiots not kill themselves? Hell, maybe they did. Just remember, friends: electricity and idiots do not mix.

Blast from the past: Electronic paper could have worked like this

31 12 2007

For those of you out there who aren’t big fans of electronic paper devices like the Amazon Kindle and Sony’s e-Reader, just be thankful that we didn’t end up in an alternative universe where this was the way you’d receive your daily newspaper.

Electronic Newsboy

The guys over at Modern Mechanix dug up this priceless gem of a photo from the June 1970 issue of Popular Science. It showed a prototype for a newspaper facsimile printer, dubbed the “Electronic newsboy”. Toshiba described the printer as a device which could crank out one double-sided news page every six minutes and would sell for about $300 (with inflation, that would be a bit over $1600 today).

It looks a bit like a microwave oven gone berserk to me. I wonder if it printed the movie section when you pressed the popcorn button.

via [technabob]

iPhone Humour that is right on!

2 07 2007

This blog is about technology as it relates to the AV industry but I could just not help myself…..and had to post this.


via [boing boing]